If you’re learning Chinese or just curious about China, then you have to follow these 5 YouTubers.

1. Mamahuhu


Mamahuhu is all about the laughs. Started by two Scottish brothers and their friends, Mamahuhu is a platform for cross-cultural comedy.

Their sketches are a funny take on expat life in Shanghai and the differences between Western and Chinese culture.

They also have documentaries, food vlogs, and a podcast!

We love Mamahuhu for its refreshing and funny takes on China.



2. Wode Maya

Expat Life.

Wode Maya is one of my personal favorites. He is West African (hailing from Ghana) and brings a fresh take on living in China from a Black perspective.

His “Chinese Street Interviews” are some of the best videos on his channel. In these “off-the-cuff” interviews, he explores the Chinese 老百姓 perspective on popular topics and pop culture. Some of the best in the line up are:   What Chinese Think of Christmas,  Reasons Why Chinese Guys Don’t Date Foreign Girls, and What Chinese Think of America.

Another fan favorite is the “Chinese In Africa” series. The series highlights Chinese people living and working on the African continent. It provides a rare view into the over 1 million Chinese people living in Africa.



3. Laowhy 86


Laowhy 86 is all about family. He’s a regular expat guy turned married man with two adorable half-Chinese daughters. His videos talk about family, travel, and Chinese culture. It’s about him, his family, and their path living in China.



3. Avenue X

Chinese Drama.

If you love Chinese drama, then this is the channel for you. Avenue X isn’t a well known YouTuber, but her content is on point.

She reviews popular Chinese dramas and discusses the Chinese perspective on pop culture (watch her take on the Dolce & Gabbana China scandal).



4. Chineasy

Chinese Language.

The Chineasy YouTube channel is a great way to learn more about the Chinese language and culture. The company sells products that help you learn Chinese characters and language.





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