It’s the moment we have all been waiting for… the winner of #WhySpeakChinese2020 has finally been chosen!

If you haven’t heard about our #WhySpeakChinese2020 contest, learn more about the annual contest here. We offer Mandarin language learners the opportunity to travel to China.

And so without further ado, to WhySpeakChinese2020 Winners:

Ojuolape Arojo




Catalina Suarez

Congratulations all!

Watch the submissions and winner announcement video here:

A big thank you to everyone who participated and our partners . We enjoyed every single submission.

Keep learning Chinese! We hope to continue making more people’s language learning dreams a reality each year.

Our judge @xiaomanyc last remarks reflect the same sentiment we want to leave with all who submitted:

“The proof is in the pudding. For everybody who made a video, the fact that you made the video is what is going to get you better Mandarin. The fact that you’re putting yourself out there and speaking Chinese, publicly, on the internet, that’s awesome.”




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Amanda Ong

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