Chinese Sayings to Get You through Finals!
It's finals season! If you're stressed out about your exams, here are some Chinese sayings to get you through them.
It's finals season! If you're stressed out about your exams, here are some Chinese sayings to get you through them.
Hear what two students who recently traveled to Nanjing to study abroad had to say about their experiences!
How to navigate the ups and downs of studying abroad, even when you come back home.
You can read as many articles as you want about learning Chinese, but nothing quite captures the experience like these memes.
Chinese is full of homophones that together make symbols and puns. Do you know these eight popular ones?
Internet slang evolves rapidly. Popular words and phrases can become “outdated” in a matter of weeks. Here is our round-up of popular Internet slang that...
Despite the advances of Google and Baidu translation tools, there are still many Chinese words that are simply untranslatable.