>Convocatoria en Español >Directives Françaises
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Video Requirements
- Create a 1-minute video in English, French, Spanish, or Chinese according to the following prompt:
Introduce yourself. Then tell us how you learned Chinese during the pandemic. Please showcase your Chinese speaking skills and your creativity in the video.
- Follow us on social media & post your video on Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok with your country location and the tags #WhySpeakChinese2022 and #Chinosity.
- Instagram applicants must make the accounts public in order to be eligible.
- Facebook applicants must like @chinosity Facebook page and make the post public in order to be eligible.
- Posts must include the hashtags #WhySpeakChinese2022 and #Chinosity to be eligible.
- Posts must tag @chinositynews on Instagram or @chinosity on Facebook/TikTok for their videos to be eligible.
- Finish all requirements above by Saturday, April 30, 2022 11:50 PM ET.
Don’t forget to share your post and get as many likes as possible!
The Prizes
Grand Prize: 1 ticket to your nearest Chinatown OR a $500 cash prize*
*5 grand-prize winners will be selected. Due to the international Covid-19 travel restrictions, the winners can choose either 1 round-trip ticket to their nearest Chinatown or a $500 USD cash prize.
The Judges
The contest is open to all Mandarin learners* who are:
- Non-native speakers**
- 13 years of age and older
- Legal residents of their respective countries, where not prohibited by law.
* This includes formal (e.g., enrolled in a class) and non-formal (private tutor, independent learning with apps, books, etc.) learners. Employees of Asia Society and their immediate families are not eligible.
** This includes heritage speakers (students who speak Chinese at home/with family but do not consider Mandarin as their native language). Heritage speakers are eligible for the contest.
- Videos created under a video professional’s supervision will be disqualified. Asia Society reserves the right to reject work deemed unsuitable for publication or that does not meet the above criteria. Videos deemed to be a violation of the intellectual property rights of an individual other than the submitter will also be disqualified.
- One submission per learner. Multiple entries from the same individual will result in disqualification of all entries. You can appear in someone else’s video, but if that video wins, the submitter gets the prize.
- One submitter per video. Each video may only have one submitter attributed to it. This is the person who will receive a prize if selected. Anyone else in the video is not eligible for prizes awarded to this entry.
- Videos must be no longer than one minute in total length. Videos exceeding this length will not be considered.
- Videos/entrants will be disqualified if Asia Society, in its sole discretion, suspects the entrant tampers or attempts to tamper with the entry process, or tampers with the voting process on any social media platform, including but not limited to buying “likes,” or further tampers with the operation of the contest or website.
Prize Acceptance
- If you are under 18 and are selected for the grand prize, your travel companion must be over 18 and a legal guardian or authorized in writing by a legal guardian to accompany you.
- Grand-prize winners will not exceed five persons. Each grand-prize winner will receive 1 round-trip flight between their residence location and any Chinatown destination within the region*, with a maximum of two connecting flights in each country.
*Chinatowns of the following cities: Paris (FR), London (UK), Johannesburg (SA), Melbourne (AS) , Sydney (AS), New York (US), San Francisco (US), Manila (PHL), Singapore city (SP), Tokyo (JP), Seoul (KOR), São Paulo (BR), Buenos Aires (AR), San José (CR).
- If a grand-prize winner resides in China, Asia Society will award them with a $500 USD cash prize.
- All online video submissions must be received by 11:50 PM U.S. Eastern Time on Saturday, April 30, 2022, unless otherwise extended by Asia Society. Judges’ picks and winners will be announced before May 15, 2022.
- Asia Society reserves the right, in its sole discretion to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the contest for any reason, including but not limited to a virus, bugs, non-authorized human intervention, fraud or other causes beyond its control corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness or proper conduct of the contest. In such a case, Asia Society may select the recipients from all eligible entries received prior to and/or after (if appropriate) the action taken by Asia Society.
- Entries and other submitted material become the property of Asia Society and will not be acknowledged or returned.
- Asia Society reserves the right at its sole discretion to disqualify any individual who tampers or attempts to tamper with the entry process or the operation of the contest or website or violates the Terms.
- By participating, you agree to be fully unconditionally bound by these Terms and you represent and warrant that you meet the eligibility requirements set forth herein.
- In addition, you agree to accept the oversight and decisions of Asia Society, as final and binding as it relates to the content and the awarding of prizes.
- Winner selection and notification: Winners of the competition will be selected under the supervision of Asia Society. Winners will be notified via the platform used to enter the contest within five (5) days following the winner selection and announcement. Asia Society shall have no liability for a winner’s failure to receive notices due to winners’ spam, junk e-mail or other security settings or for winners’ provision of incorrect or otherwise non-functioning contact information. If the selected winner(s) cannot be contacted, is ineligible, fails to claim the prize within 15 days from the time award notification was sent, or fails to timely return a completed and executed declaration and releases as required, the prize may be forfeited and an alternate winner(s) selected. Winners will have a 12-month time period to use the prize.
- Prizes are considered taxable income regardless of whether the prize is in the form of cash, trips or merchandise. If a prize is valued over $600, Asia Society must report the value to the winner and the Internal Revenue Service on a Form 1099-MISC. If the prize is valued under $600, the winner is responsible for reporting to the Internal Revenue Service and paying the appropriate tax.